The Japanese and U.S markets both support NTSC so both systems are compatible in a 60hz signal. GSM: Video Mode: NTSC, X-Axis: -36, Y-Axis: +12, Exit type: PS2 browser PS2 NTSC to PAL Final Fantasy X International GRAPHIC SYNTEHSIZER MODE SELECTOR (PAL PS2 / TV Has 60hz capability) PS2 PAL to NTSC Ultimate Mind Games (Midas) 60hz Option PS2 PAL to NTSC Test Drive unlimited 60hz Option PS2 PAL to NTSC Michigan Report 60hz Option PS2 PAL to NTSC Maxxed Out Racing (Midas) 60hz Option PS2 PAL to NTSC Who Wants to be a Millionaire 56 Y position PS2 PAL to NTSC They Came From The Skies 56 Y Position PS2 PAL to NTSC Silent Hill Making Of DVD - DVD Decryptor PS2 PAL to NTSC Silent Hill 2 56 Y Position PS2 PAL to NTSC Runabout 3 Neo Age 48 Y Position

PS2 PAL to NTSC Lemmings ADR Patcher no Y Fix

PS2 PAL to NTSC Global Defence Force 48 Y Position PS2 PAL to NTSC Bomberman Hardball 56 Y Position PS2 PAL to NTSC Beats of Rage 48 Default Y position PS2 PAL to NTSC Alien Hominid 56 Y position PS1 PAL to NTSC Net Yaroze Demo Games 46 and 16 Y position PS1 PAL to NTSC Little Big Adventure 46 and 16 Y position